Academic Courses

GESP requires a four-credit-unit total requirement consisting of at least one 3-credit globally focused course and one 1-credit unit GESP Synthesis Course.

Eligible Globally-focused Classes:

A selection of courses pre-approved for the GESP follow. If a course of interest is not included, please review the criteria included in the text box below for the Petition Process to request a faculty member to submit a class for consideration.

  • Global Studies:
    • Global Social Science – INTL 1501
    • Any course above the 1501 level except for the GESP synthesis course and internship designation. Check for prerequisites.
  • Africana Studies:
    • AFRS would like to contribute the following courses to the GESP Program:
    • AFRS 1100–002 Introduction to Africana Studies (section dependent)
    • AFRS 2156. African Civilization
    • AFRS 3260/HIST 3190/LTAM 3260: Slavery, Racism, & Colonialism in the African Diaspora
    • AFRS 3270 Afro-Latin American History
    • AFRS 3278 Race in the History of Brazil
    • AFRS 4100/AFRS 6610: African Diaspora Theory/Diaspora and Transnational Theories
    • AFRS 2206 (African Literature, Music, and Art)
  • Anthropology:
    • ANTH 1101: Introduction to Anthropology;
    • Any ANTH Topics courses (check with department on pre-req if any)
  • English:
    • ENGL 4112 Modern World Literature
    • ENGL 4165 Multiculturalism and Language​
    • ENGL 4260 History of Global Englishes
    • ENGL 1502 Global Arts/Humanities: Global Connections in English Studies
  • History:
    • History 1502 Issues in Global History
    • Any non-Western History course (to be approved by GESP Coordinator) except HIST 4002, which is for majors only
  • Languages and Culture Studies
    • Any course taught in the Department of Languages and Culture Studies at the intermediate level or above
  • Latin American Studies:
    • LTAM 2116. Contemporary Latin America
    • LTAM 2207. Modern Latin America
  • Political Science:
    • POLS 1130 (Comparative Politics)
    • POLS 1150 (International Politics)
    • POLS 3152 : International Organizations
    • POLS 3151: International Political Economy
  • Religious Studies:
    • Any course on a non-Western religion (contact Department for permission)
  • University College’s OIP Seminar
    • UCOL 1200 International Enrichment Seminar (UCOL 1200/Dr. Hoff) (3 credits)
  • Petitioned “Global” courses from other departments/colleges.
    Note: Criteria for a certified Global Engagement Scholars Program requirement class:

    • Any coursework to be included in the Global Engagement Scholars Program must have at least 50% of the content/reading/discussion/assignments related to international/global themes or issues.

GESP Synthesis Course (spring semester only):

The Synthesis Course is worth one credit and focuses on how to tie the different components of the GESP intersect to demonstrate the learning obtained throughout the program. In addition, the course offers an introduction to intercultural communication concepts to provide a theoretical foundation and framework. Finally, during the course, students will learn how to create the mandatory ePortfolio:

  • Required ePortfolio: The ePortfolio is the culmination and final product of the GESP Synthesis Course. The ePortfolio gives the student an opportunity to demonstrate the learning achieved during the program. Students will have a choice of completing an essay, poster, PowerPoint, physical display, website, video, or combination of media depicting and reflecting on their overall experience with the GESP components.
  • Required Presentation: After the ePortolio is reviewed and approved by the GESP Advisory Committee, the final component required for receipt of the GESP recognition is a presentation provided (or made available) to the public during a pre-approved designated event (e.g., the annual spring OIP International Education Celebration, IEW, other).

Petition Process for GESP Course Eligibility: If you are a course instructor and wish to have your class included in the list above for the GESP, then submit a request for consideration to that includes your syllabus. Criteria for review requires at least 50% of the course’s requirements (e.g., content/reading/discussion/assignments/etc.) to be directly related to international/global themes and/or issues.